How to look after your body after a race

Blackmores Sydney Running Festival

Our physiotherapists often give advice about training and injury management, but what about after the race?

There are some common mistakes that are made post race that can hinder your recovery.

Holly McRae provides some great advice about how to look after your body and minimise any muscle soreness.

After all the hard work in training and completing your race, don’t forget to nurture your body and show it you care by giving it the best chance to recovery. Here are some tips to aid your recover and keep you comfortable after a race:

  • Make sure you pack something warm to change into after your race, some nice clean dry socks and a comfortable pair of shoes
  • When you are able to, lie down and get your feet up to help facilitate blood flow for about 15-20 minutes. You can repeat this over the day as needed
  • Plan a recovery meal or something quick to nibble on in the first half hour after your event. Avoid sugary drinks, stick with electrolytes if possible. Make sure your next meal contains some protein to aid in muscle repair – at least 10-20g. This could include yogurt or chocolate milk
  • Assess any damage and treat it as soon as possible. Utilise RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) rules to any injuries sustained. Also remember to avoid HARM (heat, running, alcohol, massage). These things can increase the blood flow and damage to any injuries sustained. Massage can still be used on non-injured areas
  • Compression garments such as skins can be worn to help reduce the effects of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

If any injury sustained lingers for more than a few days, consult your friendly Physiotherapists at Sydney Sportsmed and Ergoworks. Good luck for the race!

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